Drains & Radiators

We moved a couple weeks ago. It was an important lesson. Never rent office space in a new office building, for a short term lease, when the largest tennant is on your floor. After settling in after TBLI 2006 (November), we were asked to leave by march, the following year. Not willing to wait, we looked around and found a great office with a garden. The move was the smoothest I ever experienced. Carolyn had organized everything, perfectly. Of course, the only bug was the phone. When they arrived, we were told there is no line. “Maybe we can help you out in 10 days.” I said “no phone for 10 days! Are you crazy? How can we operate a business?” Anyway, what happened was quite unusual. I thought things would be very quiet. The complete opposite. We were never so busy, or had as many visitors. Giullio said to me: “Don’t worry. If people need to find you they will” He was right.
One day a friend called and said, “didn’t we have an appointment at the airport”. I completely forgot. Never happens. Tom, the friend, said “no worries. I will come to your office” He found out that we had no phone by calling his office, checking our website, and calling my cell phone. It was a fantastic lunch meeting. Sitting our in the garden and discussing many opportunities how we could help each other. It was great and inspiring.
He told me a story that he was spending some time with Charles Handy(author) and his wife and they said: “There are two kinds of people. Drains and radiators. We prefer to hang out with radiators.” Me too. That meeting, with all the things going against it, forgot the meeting, no phone, fax or internet, still unpacking, disorganized, and not in a restful mood was an inspiring, joyful, and truly radiating experience. Long live the radiators. Thanks Tom.

“I have learned that to be with those I like is enough.”
Walt Whitman quote

Angel of the Month

While I was in the hospital, from May-July, one person called every single day to check up on me, Mujahid Abdullah. Initially, it was a bit hard for me, so having a friend to talk to who was there to chat, to laugh, to share thoughts and ideas, and to provide intellectual stimulation, was fantastic. When Mujahid said he was going to check in on me, I thought I would hear from him, once in a while. I never thought he would be there every day. When I saw my cell phone ring with his distinctive number calling, a smile came on my face.
When I first met Mujahid, I thought he was not for real. He was so polite. I asked him if he wanted a cappuccino, and he was delighted as that was one of his favorite beverages. I got up to make the capuccino, and Mujahid jumped to attention, and stood there the whole time I was making his coffee in the kitchen. When I came back, he was still standing. I sat down and he sat down. Then, I forgot a spoon, so I got up and he did the same. When I returned with the spoon, there he was still standing until I sat down. Then I pretended that I was getting up again and he started to get up and then laughed.

Mujahid has become a close and dear friend. He has a clear sense of humanity. He totally believes that it’s not necessary for a person to be experiencing a fire to offer help. A man of great integrity, always there for his family and friends, impeccable class and manners, and a steadfast committment to use his financial engineering skills to make sustainable investment a reality, through Sustainable Capital. Great sense of humor, particular when I bug him” How can someone from Alabama not eat pulled pork”. A great laugh and a true humanitarian.
My vote for Angel of the month. Mujahid Abdullah, a true radiator. I really appreciate your support. Thank you.

The next Scorsese. One of the stars is my son.