TBLI History, Business Schools and Podcasts


TBLI has been held 27 times over the years, in many different countries. One of the most memorable events was Paris, 2006. We had a spectacular location at the Palais Brogniart, and kept it there for 2 years. Unbelievable food. I should say food art. Fantastic program. One particular session that stands out was a session on Faith Consistent Investing, with representatives from the Catholic, Islamic, Jewish and Shinto Community. The room was packed and we were all happily surprised by the interest. Definitely worth repeating and we will this year.

These photos brings back great memories, particularly the two boys at the bottom. Sam and Silas, my sons.

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Sustainability now key selling point for business schools attracting students

After years of neglect, students are now demanding business courses include sustainability on the syllabus . Good to hear.

Good News!

I was catching up on my podcasts. One particular podcast that is a great inspiration is  The Good Fight. The podcast highlights people who are fighting the good fight for the benefit of all. When I was listening to the various inspiring heros and what they did to achieve their goals, understaffed, underfunded, against great odds,  without any fanfare or special attention it really lifted my spirits. Most important they were successful.  It reminded me of TBLI and the work we do, as well as all of those in our network. All working to improve the social and environmental condition. Check out the podcast and listen to the Win List. A weekly list of progressive wins. Good dose of good news. Oh yes. Come join our community working to create an economy based upon well being by attending TBLI.